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Individual customization of business cards (for home printer)

1. Loading in your text processing program

Load the file in a text processing program which is enabled to open Word files (.txt) f. e. Word, OpenOffice or others.

 business cards on home printer / 1


2. Customization of your username

Go to the first field "picture search" at the top left with the cursor and enter your username which you are using as an Uploader on pixomio.as.

business cards on home printer / 2


3. Completing and printing

Repeat the second step for all other seven fields / cards and print the sheet by your computer printer.

It would be the best way to print the sheet on a stronger white paper respectively card - f. e. 160 g/m². Up to this strength most of computer printers should work and thus your cards would have a good stability and a nice appearance.  

business cards on home printer / 3

For finishing you only have to cut out the cards by following the cutmarks - and here they are: Your ready customized pixomio.as business cards.

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